Thursday, October 13, 2011

What Men Really Want in Bed - Enthusiasm for Starters!

What Men Really Want in Bed - Enthusiasm for Starters!

Jump Starter

So what do our menfolk really want in bed? Well to start with, they want a bit of enthusiasm, your presence, to know that you're actually 'there' with them. There's nothing worse for a guy and his oh so fragile ego than his female counterpart just going through the motions. Do yourself (and him) a favor - don't even bother - it's a waste of time for both of you and is actually an often heard cry at the therapists (his, not yours....), I kid you not.

So, assuming you're in a decent relationship (and if not, then get the hell outta there), then there's no reason why you shouldn't be enjoying great sex. Okay, it doesn't have to be 'amazing' every single time but you should definitely be having some good ol' sessions in there. Just because you may have been together a few years doesn't give the excuse either to give up and not bother. Unless there's a physical reason involved (ie illness), then you should 'both' be connecting between the sheets.

Alas, I digressed for a moment or two - getting back to what our men love in bed. Like I said, they want to know that you 'want' to be there. Show some passion, some spark, some energy. Nothing like a session of deep sensuous heavy kissing to get the ball rolling. And yes, the obvious (but good old oldies nevertheless), set the mood in the bedroom (or wherever you happen to be), soft lighting (great for making you feel good and 'look' good at the same time), a bit of soft music (whatever you both happen to like) to set the tone; and let's not forget some wine (or beer) or bubbly to help get the juices flowing. What you wear (ie something slinky, naughty or elegant) will always heighten his blood pressure...

Now, when it comes down to the nitty gritty be 'interactive' - like I said earlier, show him that you want to be there... A bit of moaning and groaning (don't try and sound like a porno star however - that will be straight fake), eye contact is wonderful and verrry sexy to him, gyrate and grind and just get down and dirty. Shake things up a bit, take the initiative and he won't know what hit him.

Jump on top once in a while - guys love it when we girls take charge, seriously... And if you want him to think it's his birthday, well, give him his favorite - what do you mean what's his favorite? That would be oral, fellatio, a BJ, whatever you want to call it - that's his favorite (for most guys anyhow).

Now, he may not have the balls to tell you but trust me on this girlfriend, this is what he wants. Okay, I'm assuming you're happy about getting down there and pleasing your man but if not, there's always plenty of information out there to set you straight...

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